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Literacy and Poverty Reduction: Exploring Barriers to Success


It’s worth noting that the information we have on adult literacy rates is limited. The federal government only started tracking this in 2012...


What Role do Rent Supplements Play in Successful Exits from Homelessness


As Canada exits the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the urgency to permanently rehouse people experiencing homelessness continues to grow. Two concerns loom: the end of the moratorium on...


What is a Renters Wage


High housing costs affect renters as much as they do homeowners. But in most Canadian cities, there are only 9% of neighbourhoods that make it possible for a minimum wage single income worker to...


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St. Albert Housing Society

104B, 14 Mission Avenue
St. Albert, AB.
T8N 1H4
P: 780-544-2205
E: info@stalberthousing.com
The St. Albert Housing Society is funded in-part by The Friends of St. Albert Housing Society Charity | BN #805862299RR0001